Electronic payment instruments there are many species, there, paypal,
money, money, money bokers, egopay, Payza, NETELLER, OKPAY, etc.. But
there is one means of payment that is quite unique because it is made
by the cryptographic system connected with internet, which is BitCoin
and Litecoin .
is the first implementation of the concept of currency crypto
(crypto-currency), where control, issuance of money and transactions
governed by Cryptography. Cryptography is the study of mathematical techniques related to aspects of the security or confidentiality of information.
is famous cryptocurrency second after 1 LTC bitcoin at a price around $ 20 +. Litecoin get much easier than the bitcoin with immense kesusahanya level because a very large considering the price.
cryptographic techniques are used to guarantee transaction processing and record keeping goes according to the rules and safe. Cryptography is also used as a means of regulating the supply and demand of the currency bitcoin and litecoin this. It
can be said the entire financial process governed by a mathematical
algorithm in the cryptographic techniques automatically, so it is not
necessary supervision and control center for the currency.
Here's how to get a dollar-free way of LiteCoin :
1. You should have a wallet to store LTC you get, right here click https://instant-e.com (1 LTC price for now Rp 290,000 / 1 LTC)
2. next click on the confirmation link that goes to the
email you submitted earlier, his next login to the wallet that you just
created. There is no address Litecoin (LTC) that looks like this you LL9MEdAahdGZ6sLzV5jnyPiodt5TEuAPZW that will be used to send or receive Litecoin .
3. after you create a wallet., please look for LTC, register here: FREE LITECOIN
4. Cell Litecoin Addres, in the content of your LTC Addres earlier that looks like this: LL9MEdAahdGZ6sLzV5jnyPiodt5TEuAPZW
5. after registration is complete please: LOG IN LiteCOin
6. After that, there captha shaped figure., Please fill in
the empty box in the right sebalah, continued Click Roll., The LTC will
7. Do it once every 1 hour, then LiteCoin you will brtambah per 1 hour.,.,
• ◄ Maximize internet connection to mine LITECOIN / h ► •
100% FREE
Free Dollar from LiteCOin