JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - Although Bank Indonesia (BI) has stated bitcoin and other virtual currency is not legal tender in Indonesia, but the use of bitcoin in the country is still fertile. Even ATMs (automatic teller machines) for bitcoin transactions will be present in Indonesia. Bitcoin Indonesia CEO Oscar Darmawan said that bitcoin development in the country continues to show progress. Bitcoin Indonesia through www.bitcoin.co.id site is one of the major players in the Indonesian operator bitcoin. "We will hold a bitcoin ATM as the existing one in Singapore. estimated to open as many as 100 ATM bitcoin around the world," said Oscar in Jakarta , last weekend. Moreover, Oscar revealed the possibility of bitcoin ATM placement locations that will be selected are Jakarta and Bali. Bitcoin ATM basically has the functionality and usability similar to a conventional ATM. Besides providing bitcoin ATM, Oscar admitted it also plans to issue vouchers bitcoin deposits can be obtained through online and in retail stores. "Process deposits can only use the service BCA. Later voucher will be integrated with the bitcoin network and operate automatically, "says Oscar. As reported, on February 6, BI and has declared that virtual currency bitcoin and other means of payment is not valid. BI said all the risks associated ownership or use of bitcoin borne by the owner or user.

Bitcoin,....apakah itu? Setelah berjalan dari 2012 sampai dengan sekarang ternyata berkembang sangat pesat, merupakan suatu Bisnis Investasi yang sangat menjanjikan. Hal ini dibuktikan sudah 5 tahun bertahan dan merupakan suatu peluang untuk mendapatkan pasif income yang sangat luar biasa..... Aman dengan perediksi Trading yang sangat baik (posisi stabil) untuk investasi asumsi beli posisi turun dan jual posisi naik dan yang terpenting bukannya penipu.
Selasa, 18 Februari 2014
Special Bitcoin ATM Will Present in Indonesia
JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - Although Bank Indonesia (BI) has stated bitcoin and other virtual currency is not legal tender in Indonesia, but the use of bitcoin in the country is still fertile. Even ATMs (automatic teller machines) for bitcoin transactions will be present in Indonesia. Bitcoin Indonesia CEO Oscar Darmawan said that bitcoin development in the country continues to show progress. Bitcoin Indonesia through www.bitcoin.co.id site is one of the major players in the Indonesian operator bitcoin. "We will hold a bitcoin ATM as the existing one in Singapore. estimated to open as many as 100 ATM bitcoin around the world," said Oscar in Jakarta , last weekend. Moreover, Oscar revealed the possibility of bitcoin ATM placement locations that will be selected are Jakarta and Bali. Bitcoin ATM basically has the functionality and usability similar to a conventional ATM. Besides providing bitcoin ATM, Oscar admitted it also plans to issue vouchers bitcoin deposits can be obtained through online and in retail stores. "Process deposits can only use the service BCA. Later voucher will be integrated with the bitcoin network and operate automatically, "says Oscar. As reported, on February 6, BI and has declared that virtual currency bitcoin and other means of payment is not valid. BI said all the risks associated ownership or use of bitcoin borne by the owner or user.